July Podcasts Shows

All Will Stand’s Back to the Basic radio podcast shows have now been added for the month of July.  You can view them here: Podcasts They are Episodes 015 thru 018…in random areas of the Back to the Basics Podcast...

Couple Early Podcasts

New Podcasts Two new podcasts were of necessity to be posted early and they are now up on the website under the Special section of the Podcast page.  These are the ‘Moody’ podcasts, they have been recorded for airing in July in...

June Podcasts Shows

All Will Stand’s Back to the Basic radio podcast shows have now been added for the month of June.  You can view them here: Podcasts They are Episodes 010 thru 014…in random areas of the Back to the Basics Podcast...

Back to the Basics Podcasts

There is now a new Podcast section on All Will Stand’s website.  These radio programs are the same ones that air in Africa, but are available for all to find ‘on-demand’ on the website.  New shows will be posted to the website as the become...

Archived Shows

The other day All Will Stand received an email from the company that broadcasts the radio program.  A snippet from that email is as follows:   “We are delighted to inform you that your program, All Will Stand, has been reviewed and found to be of exceptional quality.  Your teaching of the Scriptures is refreshing and much needed in today’s culture.  We appreciate the depth of your message’s content, while still presenting it in a way that is simple to comprehend & apply.”   While the article/chapter titled “Out of What One Has” has not yet been produced and Lord-willing it will be, this was also an invitation to expand the program through all available outlets that they have.  However, such a thing is certainly in the Lord’s hands, according to His will.  However, in essence, the program can go ‘worldwide’ with archived shows and the cost is certainly within the means of this ministry.  😉   ARCHIVED...